

United Kingdom

I collect Banknotes Coins Medals And lots more LOL

De-Orc's collection (All countries)

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$500 Bearer Cheque Green/Purple Matapos rocks & Value Tigerfish; Kariba dam on Zambezi River... 2006 Zimbabwe
50 Francs Green/Brown Man in dugout canooe Fishermen & Hippopotamus Security thread 2006 Burundi
100 Francs Multi Sig Le Gouverneur Le 2eme Vice Gouverneur Prince Rwagasore Prisoners... 2006 Burundi
500 Francs Multi Young woman Coat of arms Mine complex Wtmark Smiling woman 2006 Guinea
5 Quetzales Purple/Blue/Red/Green Quetzal bird & General Justo Rufino Barrios Classroom scene 2006 Guatemala
1000 Francs Pink/Orange/Brown/Blue Mask, globe, book & blackboard Camels with mountains in... 2006 Burkina Faso
1000 Francs Multi Coffee plant, cows & coat of arms A Prison Security thread Wtmrk Prince... 2006 Burundi
£1 Brown/Green Pigeon & buildings Pigeons - Peace vision Security thread Wtmrk Pigeon 2006 Sudan
5 Naira Multi Sir Abubakar Tafawa Balewa, Politician Nkpokiti dancers Security thread... 2006 Nigeria
10 Naira Orange/Red/Green Alvan Ikoku, Educator & Statesman Fulani milk maids Security thread... 2006 Nigeria
50 Naira Blue/Pink/Black Hausa, Igbo and Yoruba men and a woman Local fishermen Security... 2006 Nigeria
10 Dinara Sig, Radovan Jelašic (Governor) Yellow/Brown/Green Vuk Stefanovic Karadžic,... 2006 Serbia
50 Rupees Purple/Yellow Value & Mahatma Gandhi Indian Parliment Wmk Gahndi 2006 India
20 Rupee Brown/Orange/Purple/Green Mohammed Ali Jinnah Mohen-Jo-Daro, Larkana Wmk Mohammed... 2006 Pakistan
CLYDESDALE BANK Chief Operating Officer David Thorburn £20 Glasgow 8 Jun 2005 Front Robert... 2005 Scotland
ROYAL BANK of SCOTLAND £5 14 Jul 2005 Jack Nicklaus Front Golden Bear Nicklaus seal & Lord... 2005 Scotland
$5 1 Jan 2005 Red/Carmine/Orange Front Thomas Potts, Coat of Arms, Fish, HRH Rev Mahogany... 2005 Belize
$2 2005 Violet/Mauve/Blue/Carmine Front Stela from Nim Li Punit, Coat of arms, Fish, HRH Rev... 2005 Belize
Polymer 1000k 2005 Multi Governor C M Fundanga Front Value above see through dove & Coat... 2005 Zambia
Polymer 500k 2005 Multi Governor C M Fundanga Front Value above see through dove & Coat of... 2005 Zambia
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