

United Kingdom

I collect Banknotes Coins Medals And lots more LOL

De-Orc's collection (All countries)

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1 Nouveau Zaiers Purple/Green Sig 9 Leopard & President Mobutu Banque du Zaire Security... 1993 Congo
5 Nouveau Zaiers Brown/Blue Sig 9 Leopard & President Mobutu Domed building Security thread... 1993 Congo
10 Nouveau Zaiers Brown/Blue Sig 9 Leopard & President Mobutu Civic building and water... 1993 Congo
10 Dram Purple/Brown/Orange/Green Statue of David from Samsoun Mount Ararat Watermarked 1993 Armenia
1 Kupon Orange/Purple Tbilisi view Cave city of Vardzia Watermark 1993 Georgia
1 Tiyn Green/Yellow/Red Value Coat of arms Watermark 1993 Kazakhstan
2 Tiyn Value Coat of arms Value Coat of arms Watermark 1993 Kazakhstan
5 Tiyn Purple/Blue/Pink Value Coat of arms Watermark 1993 Kazakhstan
10 Tiyn Red/Yellow/Green/ Value Coat of arms Watermark 1993 Kazakhstan
1 Tenge Blue/Green/Red Al-Farabi architectural drawings of a mosque Security Thread Watermark 1993 Kazakhstan
5 Tenge Orange/Brown/Pink Kurmangazy Sagyrbaev and musical instriment Mausoleum Security... 1993 Kazakhstan
5 Manat Blue/Green Musical College & Horn-shaped Parthian rhyton (drinking horn) Turkmen coat... 1993 Turkmenistan
Serbian Republic of Bosnia HerzGovina Banja Luka 2nd Issue Replacement Note Z Prefix 5,000... 1993 Bosnia
Serbian Republic of Bosnia HerzGovina Banja Luka 2nd Issue 50,000 Dinara Brown/Red/Ocher P... 1993 Bosnia
Serbian Republic of Bosnia HerzGovina Banja Luka 2nd Issue 100,000 Dinara Violet/Blue/Pink P... 1993 Bosnia
Serbian Republic of Bosnia HerzGovina Banja Luka 2nd Issue 5,000,000 Dinara Orange/Blue P... 1993 Bosnia
Serbian Republic of Krajina/Croatia 50,000 Dinara Red/Orange/Ocher Knin fortress on hill... 1993 Croatia
Serbian Republic of Krajina/Croatia 100,000 Dinara Violet/Blue/Pink Knin fortress on hill... 1993 Croatia
Serbian Republic of Krajina/Croatia 500,000 Dinara Brown/Green Knin fortress on hill Serbian... 1993 Croatia
Serbian Republic of Krajina/Croatia 5000,000 Dinara Orange/Gray Knin fortress on hill Serbian... 1993 Croatia
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