

United Kingdom

I collect Banknotes Coins Medals And lots more LOL

De-Orc's collection (All countries)

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1970/75 5 Rupees Green/Pink/Orange Value & Askokan pillar Sign S Jagannathan Antelope's... 1970 India
1000 Lei Purple/Green/Brown/ Sailing ship & Nihai Eminescu 1850-1889 Putna monastery... 1993 Romania
Weimar Republic Treasury notes 3rd Issue 100,000 Marks 25 July Green/Black Value &... 1923 Germany
10 Francs Miners Multi Farmers wife with child Wtmk Helmeted head 1942 France
£10 Orange/Brown/Green City gateway & arabic writing round a map Bank of Sudan Security... 1991 Sudan
THE STATES OF JERSEY 1993 Treasurer of the State George Baird £1 Green/Pink Front HRH Rev... 1993 United Kingdom
100 Denar Blue Farmers harvesting Llinden monument in Krushevo 1992 Macedonia
Chamber of Commerce Pas De Calais 0.50 Centimes Sepia Series Y Lady & child, destruction of... 1925 France
British Armed Forces 5/-Voucher Series II Printers De La Rue 1947 United Kingdom
1983/84 10 Rupee Green/Pink Mohammed Ali Jinnah view of Moenjodaro Wmk Wmk Mohammed Ali Jinnah 1983 Pakistan
1973 Ottowa $1 Gray/Green/Multi Governor G.K. Bouey Deputy Governor J.W. Crow Front Value in... 1973 Canada
10000 Lire Portrait of a Man by Andrea del Castagno, Seal of St. Mark Facade and part of the... 1978 Italy
1 Lira Brown/Green Signatures Bolaffi, Cavallaro & Giovinco Italia's head Value 1944 Italy
50 Leva Purple/Green/Yellow/Pink K.G. Danov Printing press Security thread Wtrmk Bulgarian... 1992 Bulgaria
5 Manat Blue/Green Musical College & Horn-shaped Parthian rhyton (drinking horn) Turkmen coat... 1993 Turkmenistan
Montserrat $5 2000 Multi Governor K D Venner Front Fish, Turtle, QEII, Silver foil fish... 2000 Antigua and Barbuda
1975-81 1 Rupee Blue Crescent moon & star Monument Wmk Crescent moon & star 1975 Pakistan
Serbian Republic of Krajina/Croatia 500,000 Dinara Brown/Green Knin fortress on hill Serbian... 1993 Croatia
British Armed Forces 1/- Voucher Series II Printers De La Rue 1947 United Kingdom
5 ptas Green/Purple Woman Value 1935 Spain
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