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Region: Africa

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100 Shillings 1986 Tanzania
20 Shillings 1978 Somalia
1.000.000 Zaires (Republic of Zaire) 1992 Congo
20 Naira (Issue of 1977-1984) 1977 Nigeria
500 Kwanzas 1984 Angola
100 Francs (Occidental Africa 1946) 1946 West African States
10.000 Francs (Issue of 1970-1984) 1970 Mali
5000 Francs 2003 Burkina Faso
1000 Escudos 1973 Angola
100 Rupees 2016 Seychelles
100 Francs (French Somaliland 1928 - 1938) 1928 Djibouti
1 Pound 1962 Ghana
1000 Shillings 2010 Kenya
50 Francs (Issue of 1937-1947) 1937 Madagascar
500 Sylis 1980 Guinea
5.000.000 Zaires (Republic of Zaire) 1992 Congo
20 Ouguiya 2020 Mauritania
10.000 Francs (Ivory Coast) 1977 West African States
10.000 Francs 1977 Cote d'Ivoire
50 Cedis 1979 Ghana
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