Region: Africa

Country: Tanzania

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TANZANIA 2000 Shillings 2020 2020 Griffith
TANZANIA 1000 Shillings 2019 2019 Griffith
10,000 shillings; 2023. Part of the Elephant Collection! 2023 Troodon
500 shillings; ND (1997) 1997 Troodon
TANZANIA 100 Shillingi 1986 1986 Griffith
TANZANIA 200 Shilingi 1986 1986 Griffith
1 Rupie (German East Africa 1916) 1916 gradenko
100 Shillings 1986 gradenko
GERMAN EAST AFRICA 1 Rupie 1915 1915 Griffith
Tanzania 10 000 schillings 2010-2020 2010 Nathan
Tanzania 500 schillings 2010 2010 Nathan
2000 Shillings 2009 gradenko
1000 Shillings 2015 gradenko
Tanganyika 1948 10 Shillings postal order. Issued at Poste Restante Dar-Es-Salaam. 1948 BCNumismatics
2000 Shillings 2010 gradenko
TANZANIA 10 Shilingi 1978 1978 Griffith
20 Shillings 1993 Tommy
10 Shillings(1966) 1966 gradenko
500 shillings 2010 nalaberong
1000 Shillings 2000 gradenko
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