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Region: Africa

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Nigeria 2016 200 Naira. 2016 Nigeria
50.000.000 Dollars 2008 Zimbabwe
1.000.000 Dollars 2008 Zimbabwe
5 Kwacha 2020 Zambia
500.000 Dollars 2008 Zimbabwe
750.000 Dollars (Bearer Cheques Emergency Issue / 2nd issue 2006) 2007 Zimbabwe
200.000 Dollars (Bearer Cheques Emergency Issue / 2nd issue 2007) 2007 Zimbabwe
100 Kwacha 2020 Malawi
50 Kwacha 2020 Malawi
20.000 Dollars 2008 Zimbabwe
500 Dollars (Bearer Cheques Emergency Issue / 2nd issue 2006) 2006 Zimbabwe
EGYPT 1 Pound 2003 2003 Egypt
Seychelles N.D. (1976) 10 Rupees. Sir James Mancham. 0 Seychelles
The Gambia N.D. (2015) 200 Dalasis. Yahya Jammeh. Replacement note. 0 Gambia
The Gambia N.D. (2013) 100 Dalasis. Replacement note. 0 Gambia
TANZANIA 200 Shilingi 1986 1986 Tanzania
SOUTH AFRICA 100 Rand 2005 2005 South Africa
GUINEA 1 Syli 1981 1981 Guinea
EGYPT 10 Pounds 2003 2003 Egypt
EGYPT 25 Piastres 1943 1943 Egypt
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