

United States

labmom's collection (All countries)

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2000 Belarus
From my first trade. I have the reverse shot as the obverse shot because I much prefer the reverse. 1993 Croatia
2000 Belarus
1900 Canada
1974 Canada
1923 Canada
2000 Belarus
1998 Belarus
1923 Canada
This note was brought back from Pakistan by a co-worker for me. I believe it is the new style... 2006 Pakistan
Another of the notes sent as part of the trade that got me hooked. 1991 Croatia
1982 Poland
1998 Guatemala
1975 Jordan
My friend brought this one back for me on one of his trips back to his home land of India. Isn't... 2002 India
1970 Mali
2004 - 2005 Cion People Short Snorter note 2003 USA
2002 Korea - North
An eBay purchase. This note looks like it was printed on a brown paper bag. 1944 Philippines
1942 Curacao
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