

United States

labmom's collection (All countries)

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French Indo-China 1939 Vietnam
1979 Sri Lanka
1986 Argentina
When a very dear friend of mine went on a cruise, she thought of me and brought me back this... 2001 Jamaica
French West Africa 1944 West African States
1992 Jamaica
1979 Cambodia
1984 Malawi
1987 Maldives
People's Republic Bank of China Foreign Exchange Certificate 1979 China
2005 South Africs 10 Rand. Sent to me by a friend living in South Africa. 2005 South Africa
1944 Morocco
1987 Gambia
1991 Vietnam
1986 Poland
2005 South Africs 20 Rand. Sent to me by a friend living in South Africa. 2005 South Africa
Provincia De Salta 1982 Argentina
1983 Argentina
In my opinion, one of the more boring notes from this series. 1993 Kazakhstan
1902 Austria
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