

United States

labmom's collection (All countries)

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When a very dear friend of mine went on a cruise, she thought of me and brought me back this... 2001 Jamaica
1996 Myanmar
1951 Bulgaria
1951 Bulgaria
25 Pfennig Notgeld from the city of Tondern Dealing with votes by the people to stay in Germany... 1920 Germany
1991 Nicaragua
1964 Indonesia
Among the first notes obtained in a trade that got me hooked. 1992 Belarus
Among the first notes obtained in a trade that got me hooked. 1992 Belarus
When a very dear friend of mine went on a cruise, she thought of me and brought me back this... 2002 Jamaica
2001 Philippines
2002 Philippines
1990 Slovenia
1941 Tibet
1991 Vietnam
1981 Libya
1984 Malawi
1987 Maldives
1944 Morocco
20 Heller Austrian Notgeld from the city of Eckartsau 1920 Austria
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