


Tommy's collection (All countries)

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1 Dong 1956 Vietnam
500 Rubles - High Command of the Armed Forces. 1920 Russia
250 Rubles - High Command of the Armed Forces. 1920 Russia
3 Rubles - High Command of the Armed Forces. Civil War issue. 1919 Russia
Chinese hell money 1985 China
50 Złotych GU3014543 1994 Poland
50 Złotych AL6407324 2012 Poland
20 Złotych BF9523545 2016 Poland
20 Złotych BA5592816 2016 Poland
10 Lire 1888 Italy
2 Lire 1914 Italy
20 Francs J641060 1966 Luxembourg
100 Złotych CU3990400 2012 Poland
10 Cordobas 2007 Nicaragua
20 Cordobas 2007 Nicaragua
200 Leva 1951 Bulgaria
100 Leva 1951 Bulgaria
50 Leva 1951 Bulgaria
1 Yuan 1936 China
20 Cents 1940 China
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