


Tommy's collection (All countries)

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50 Soles 1965 Peru
Paraguay 5 Guaranies 1952 1952 Paraguay
Peru 20 Soles 1879 1879 Peru
1000 Lei 1944 1944 Romania
200 Lei - Grigore Antipa 1992 Romania
5 Pesos - REVALIDADO 1914 Mexico
5 Pesos 1907 Paraguay
100 Pesos 1907 Paraguay
5000 Dobras 1996 Sao Tome & Principe
5000 Lei - Lucian Blaga 1998 Romania
2000 Lei - Total Eclipse of the Sun and Entering the New Millennium. 1999 Romania
50 Cents 1970 Jamaica
1000 Pesos 1974 Uruguay
10 Rupees 1976 Mauritius
25 Rupees 1999 Mauritius
100 Lei 1966 1966 Romania
25 Lei 1966 1966 Romania
10 Lei 1966 1966 Romania
500 Lei 1991 - Constantin Brancusi 1991 Romania
1000 Lei 1993 - Mihai Eminescu 1993 Romania
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