

United Kingdom

I collect Banknotes Coins Medals And lots more LOL

De-Orc's collection (All countries)

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100 Francs Blue/Green Elephant Hydro electric dam Security thread Wtmrk Okapi 2000 Congo
$5 1 Jun 03 Red/Carmine/Orange Front Thomas Potts, Coat of arms, Fish, HRH Rev Mahogany tree,... 2003 Belize
50 Piastres Red University of Khartoum Musical instrament, feather, map & plant 1987 Sudan
British Armed Forces 1/- Voucher Series IV Printers Bradbury Wilkinson 1962 United Kingdom
Bank of Communications 1935 $5 Green/Red Front value in corners in English, Central cachet... 1935 China
1970/79 10 Lirasi Multi President Kemil Atatürk President Atatürk & school children... 1979 Turkey
5 Shillings Blue/Green/Pink/Brown Bank of Uganda & value Woman picking coffee beans Security... 1979 Uganda
50 Nouveau Makuta Brown/Green Sig 9 Leopard & President Mobutu Chieftain & Men fishing... 1993 Congo
100 Rials Purple/Green sig12 Ornate design & Shah Pahlavi Oil refinery at Abadan Security... 1970 Iran
British Armed Forces 50p Voucher Series VI Printers Bradbury Wilkinson 1971 United Kingdom
Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia 5d woman with sickle Value 1968 Yugoslavia
Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia 1000d Nikola Tesla 1856-1943 Tesla coil 1991 Yugoslavia
200 Million Drachmai Pink/Gray Parthenon frieze Value 1944 Greece
1 Rouble Pink/Brown/Green General Alexander V. Suvorov 1730-1800 - founder of Tiraspol... 2007 Transdniestria
5 Shillings Brown/Yellow Coat of arms each side of value Wild Animals at waterhole & Mountain... 1987 Uganda
$5 1986 Blue Governor M D Knight Deputy Governor Dodge Front Portrait of Sir Wilfrid... 1986 Canada
Republic Popular 500 Francs Multi Carving & jug Man carving mask Security thread Wtmrk... 1990 Congo
DDR DEUTSCHE NOTENBANK 5 Deutsche Mark Brown/Green Value to left, Fancy frame and value... 1948 Germany
Serbian Republic of Bosnia HerzGovina Banja Luka 2nd Issue 50,000 Dinara Brown/Red/Ocher P... 1993 Bosnia
Mexico Polymer 50 Pesos 2004/06 Pink/Yellow/Blue Chief Cashier G O Martinez Deputy... 2006 Mexico