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I collect Banknotes Coins Medals And lots more LOL

De-Orc's collection (All countries)

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50 Rupees Purple/Yellow Value & Mahatma Gandhi Indian Parliment Wmk Gahndi 2006 India
20 Rupees Red/Green Sig # 88 Value & Mahatma Gandhi Bay with Palm trees Wmk Gahndi 2001 India
5 Rupees Green/Pink/Blue Sign 88 Value & Mahatma Gandhi Man on tractor plowing Wmk Gahndi 2001 India
10 Rupees Brown/Orange/Blue Sig S Venkitaramanan Value & Image of Askokan pillar... 1992 India
1 Rupee Blue/Brown/Pink/Purple Sig S Venkitaramanan Value & Image of 1 Rupee coin Offshore... 1986 India
10 Rupees Brown/Pink Sig S Jagannathan Value & Image of Askokan pillar Dhow Wmk Askokan... 1984 India
2 Rupees Green/Orange/BrownSig Abhitam Ghosh Value & Image of Askokan pillar Space craft Wmk... 1984 India
2 Rupees Pink/Blue/Brown Sig Abhitam Ghosh Value & Image of Askokan pillar Tiger Wmk... 1984 India
1 Rupee Blue/Brown/Purple Sig Pratap Kishen Kaul Value & Image of 1 Rupee coin Offshore oil... 1983 India
1977/81 20 Rupees Purple/Green/Orange/Blue Sig I G Pater Value & Image of Askokan pillar... 1977 India
1970/75 5 Rupees Green/Pink/Orange Value & Askokan pillar Sign S Jagannathan Antelope's... 1970 India
15.2.1994 500 Nou Zaires Purple/Olive Sig #10 Leopard & Mobutu Modern buildings 1994 Congo
15.2.1994 200 Nou Zaires Orange/Olive Sig #10 Leopard & Mobutu Men fishing with sticknets 1994 Congo
27.10.85 10 Zaires green/Brown/Orange Mobutu & Leopard Arms with hand holding torch 1985 Congo
1000 Sum Purple/Brown/Red/Green Coat of Arms Amir Temur Museum Watermark Coat of arms 2001 Uzbekistan
200 Sum Green/Yellow/Blue/Brown/Red Sunface over mythological tiger Coat of Arms Watermark... 1997 Uzbekistan
5 Manat Blue/Green Musical College & Horn-shaped Parthian rhyton (drinking horn) Turkmen coat... 1993 Turkmenistan
50 Rubls Green/Brown Coat of arms & value Majlisi Olii - Tajik Parliament Watermark Stars 1994 Tajikistan
20 Rubls Purple/Green Coat of arms & value Majlisi Olii - Tajik Parliament Watermark Stars 1994 Tajikistan
10 Rubls Red/Green Coat of arms & value Majlisi Olii - Tajik Parliament Watermark Stars 1994 Tajikistan
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