

United Kingdom

I collect Banknotes Coins Medals And lots more LOL

De-Orc's collection (All countries)

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200 Leva Gray/Green/Yellow/Pink G. Dimitrov, Coat of arms & Value Tobacco harvesting) Wtrmk... 1951 Bulgaria
1 Leva Pink/Blue/Gray/Orange Coat of arms & Value Tower Wtrmk 1974 Bulgaria
5 Leva Brown/Yellow/Blue Coat of arms & Value Seaside town Wtrmk 1974 Bulgaria
20 Leva Purple/Orange Duchess Sevastokrat Otitza Desislava Boyana Church Security thread... 1991 Bulgaria
50 Leva Purple/Green/Yellow/Pink K.G. Danov Printing press Security thread Wtrmk Bulgarian... 1992 Bulgaria
200 Leva Blue/Yellow/Brown Books, Quill pen & Ivan Vazov lyre Security thread Wtrmk... 1992 Bulgaria
100 Leva yellow/Brown/Blue Z. Zograf Wheel of Life Security thread Wtrmk Bulgarian Lion 1993 Bulgaria
1999 1 Lev Red/Yellow/Blue 1789 icon depicting Saint Ivan Rilski 876-946 from the... 1999 Bulgaria
1000 Francs Pink/Orange/Brown/Blue Mask, globe, book & blackboard Camels with mountains in... 2006 Burkina Faso
20 Francs Red/Blue Sig Le Gouverneur Le 2eme Vice Gouverneur Native dancer Coat of arms... 2005 Burundi
10 Francs Green Sig Le Gouverneur Le 2eme Vice Gouverneur Map of Burundi with Arms Text &... 2005 Burundi
50 Francs Green/Brown Man in dugout canooe Fishermen & Hippopotamus Security thread 2006 Burundi
100 Francs Multi Sig Le Gouverneur Le 2eme Vice Gouverneur Prince Rwagasore Prisoners... 2006 Burundi
1000 Francs Multi Coffee plant, cows & coat of arms A Prison Security thread Wtmrk Prince... 2006 Burundi
100 Riel Front students and school Rev Independence Monument Watermark Cambodian Script 2001 Cambodia
50 Riel Front Bridge Rev Temple Watermark Cambodian Script 2002 Cambodia
100 Riels Front Chinze Independence from France monument Rev Tapping rubber trees Watermark... 1995 Cambodia
Kingdom of Cambodia 1958/70 500 Riels Sig # 12 Man with Ox & plough Doorway of Preah Vihear... 1970 Cambodia
Kingdom of Cambodia 100 Riels Brown Green Statue of Lokecvara Sig #13 Shells with Long... 1972 Cambodia
French Indochina 5 Cents Green Value in French Value in multible langueges 1942 Cambodia
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