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Country: Scotland
Region: Europe

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SCOTLAND 1 Pound 1985 1985 Scotland
SCOTLAND 20 Pounds 2019 (The Royal Bank of Scotland) 2019 Scotland
SCOTLAND 10 Pounds 2016 (The Royal Bank of Scotland) 2016 Scotland
SCOTLAND 5 Pounds 2016 (The Royal Bank of Scotland) 2016 Scotland
SCOTLAND 20 Pounds 2019 (Clydesdale Bank) 2019 Scotland
SCOTLAND 10 Pounds 2017 (Clydesdale Bank) 2017 Scotland
SCOTLAND 20 Pounds 2019 (Bank of Scotland) 2019 Scotland
SCOTLAND 10 Pounds 2016 (Bank of Scotland) 2016 Scotland
Scotland N.D. (1820-22) 20 Shillings (1 Pound). East Lothian Bank. Unissued remainder. 0 Scotland
Scotland 1944 1 Pound. 1944 Scotland
Scotland 1948 1 Pound. 1948 Scotland
1 Pound Sterling (The Royal Bank of Scotland Limited) 1981 Scotland
5 Pounds Sterling (National Commercial Bank of Scotland Ltd / 1963) 1963 Scotland
5 Pounds Sterling (Royal Bank of Scotland / 2016) 2016 Scotland
5 Pounds Sterling (Clydesdale Bank / 2016) 2016 Scotland
5 Pounds Sterling (Bank of Scotland / 2016) 2016 Scotland
1 Dollar (Issued by Gregor MacGregor - Cazique of Poyais / Mosquito Coast - British Honduras 1820... 1820 Scotland
SCOTLAND 10 Pounds 1998 (Clydesdale Bank PLC) 1998 Scotland
P-351a One Pound 1989 Scotland
Clydesdale Bank £10 - David Livingstone 1983 Scotland
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