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Obverse | Description | Year | Country | |||||
British Armed Forces N.D. 1/2 Franc N.A.A.F.I. token. | 0 | United Kingdom | ||||||
Malta N.D. (1940) 1 Shilling. Overprinted on the unissued 2 Shillings dated the 20th. of... | 0 | Malta | ||||||
exchange | 0 | Russia | ||||||
exchange | 0 | Russia | ||||||
exchange | 0 | Russia | ||||||
1 Pound. War time issue. Peppait signature. | 0 | United Kingdom | ||||||
50 Pounds. Andrew Bailey signature. | 0 | United Kingdom | ||||||
50 Pounds. Merlyn Lowther signature. | 0 | United Kingdom | ||||||
50 Pounds. GE Kentfield signature. | 0 | United Kingdom | ||||||
5 Pounds. GM Gill signature. | 0 | United Kingdom | ||||||
20 Pounds. DHF Somerset signature. | 0 | United Kingdom | ||||||
exchange | 0 | Austria | ||||||
1 Pound. DHF Somerset signature. £1 note issued by 'Raffles' to Commemorate the British Pound... | 0 | United Kingdom | ||||||
1 Pound. DHF Somerset signature. £1 note issued by Clover to Commemorate the British Pound... | 0 | United Kingdom | ||||||
1 Pound. DHF Sommerset signature. Error. Last 2 numbers shitfing error. 3 Consecutive notes. | 0 | United Kingdom | ||||||
1 Pound. JB Page signature. HZ (last) series. | 0 | United Kingdom | ||||||
10 Shillings. LK O'Brien signature. | 0 | United Kingdom | ||||||
1 Pound. Peppait signature. | 0 | United Kingdom | ||||||
10 Shillings. BS Catterns signature. | 0 | United Kingdom | ||||||
1 Pound. Wolverhampton Bank. | 0 | United Kingdom | ||||||