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Region: Middle East

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Israel P53c (10 new sheqalim 1992) 1992 Israel
100 Rials. Birth Centenary of Dr Mohammed Mossaddeq Commemorative issue. Stamp with overprint on... 1980 Iran
1 Riyal(1977) 1977 Saudi Arabia
100 Livres(1988) 1988 Lebanon
English translation for a Safe conduct pass used in Iraq I recieved in in trade with EDIX... 1990 Iraq
50 dinars, Central Bank of Iraq, 2003 series 2003 Iraq
100 LIVRES P # 66 D 1988 Lebanon
IRAq- PAtch 0 Iraq
£5 Bosra theater & statue of female warrior Cotton picking & spinning Watermark Horse Head 1991 Syria
500 Rials 0 Iran
10 dinar 0 Kuwait
25/50/100 Syrian Pounds 1999 Syria
10 Syrian Pounds__ Pk# 101e 1991 Syria
25 Dinars - Swiss print. 1986 Iraq
Qatar P-20 1 Riyal 2003 2003 Qatar
25000 Dinars Note post-Saddam. 2003 Iraq
5 Pounds 1991 Syria
1988 Syria
50 Dinars Pink/Green/Brown Sadam Hussein Spiral minaret in Samarra 1991 Iraq
1 Dinar 1984 Yemen
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