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1000000 Lira Obverse: Pres. Atatürk Reverse: Atatürk dam in Sanli Urfa Security... 1970 Turkey
Allied Military Currency - 100 Lire issued in Italy. 1943 Italy
Russia, 5000 rubles, 1919, Rostov on Don local issue. 1919 Russia
Scotland N.D. 4 Shillings postal order. Perfinned '7-9' above 'EA'. Football Pools issue. 0 Scotland
Cyprus P49a (50 cents 1/10-1983) 1983 Cyprus
20 Mark Darlehnskassenschein 1918 Germany
Zenica 100d Pink/Green issued by a local Iron Works Foundry, DP Zeljezara Unsure of exact date 1993 Bosnia
100 Schilling(Alliierte Militärbehörde 1944) 1944 Austria
Italian Occupation of Montenegro Hand stamp on P33 20 Dinara Brown/Blue King Peter II... 1941 Yugoslavia
50.000.000 Dinars 1993 Yugoslavia
50 Franken. Format: 159x74mm Konrad Gessner on face; eagle owl, Primula auricu-la plant and... 1987 Switzerland
20 Marks 21 April Blue/Black/Orange Fancy scrolling, value & Imperial eagle Fancy scrolling,... 1910 Germany
10 Paoli value pawn ticket, Republicca Romana. Though it was a pawn ticket it circulated like... 1798 Italy
20 K 1922 Austria
Ulster Bank Limited 1st Jan 2008 £10 Group chief excecutive Cormac McCarthy Ulster... 2008 Ireland
Serbia 50 Dinara 1992 P134a 1992 Serbia
10 Marek Polskich Polska Krajowa Kasa Pozyckowa 1919 Poland
Bulgaria 500 leva 1929 VG 1929 Bulgaria
20 Escudos Series BHZ Green/Blue Admiral Gago Coutinho 1922 seaplane, Ship & Castle Wtrmk... 1978 Portugal
10 Pounds. Florence Nightingale. Sommerset signature. 0 United Kingdom
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