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Region: Asia

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1000 Rupees 2021 Pakistan
1 Piastre / Dong / Riel / Kip (State Institute of Cambodia,Laos and Vietnam - Indochina 1954) 1954 Vietnam
10 Sen 1944 Japan
15.000 Riels (15th Anniversary of Coronation of King Norodom Sihamoni) 2019 Cambodia
20 Dollars (Bank of China) 2015 Hong Kong
10 Yuan (Bank of China) 1940 China
20 Baht (Polymer issue) 2022 Thailand
20 Rupees 2021 India
10.000 Riels 2015 Cambodia
2000 Riels 2022 Cambodia
75 Rupees (75 Years of Independence 1847-2022) 2022 Pakistan
200 Riels 2022 Cambodia
100 Rupees 1992 Sri Lanka
India 1944 1 Rupee & 8 Annas postal order. Issued at Shillong (Assam). 1944 India
50.000 Rupiah 2022 Indonesia
20.000 Rupiah 2022 Indonesia
10.000 Rupiah 2022 Indonesia
5000 Rupiah 2022 Indonesia
500 Manat (double letter serial) 1993 Azerbaijan
1 Baht 1955 Thailand
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