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Region: Europe

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SCOTLAND 10 Pounds 2016 (The Royal Bank of Scotland) 2016 Scotland
SCOTLAND 5 Pounds 2016 (The Royal Bank of Scotland) 2016 Scotland
SCOTLAND 20 Pounds 2019 (Clydesdale Bank) 2019 Scotland
SCOTLAND 10 Pounds 2017 (Clydesdale Bank) 2017 Scotland
SCOTLAND 20 Pounds 2019 (Bank of Scotland) 2019 Scotland
SCOTLAND 10 Pounds 2016 (Bank of Scotland) 2016 Scotland
UNITED KINGDOM 50 Pounds 2020 2020 United Kingdom
UNITED KINGDOM 10 Pounds 2017 2017 United Kingdom
UNITED KINGDOM 5 Pounds 2015 2015 United Kingdom
100 Lire Correnti (Kingdom of Lombardy - Venice 1848) 1848 Italy
100 Rubles (Bukharan People's Soviet Republic 1922) 1922 Russia
200 Lire 1976 San Marino
100 Francs (Directory of the First French Republic - Mandat Territorial / Serial 40444) 1796 France
1000 Rubles (East Siberia - Far Eastern Republic / First Issue) 1920 Russia
1 Rublis (Riga's Workers Deputies' Soviet 1919) 1919 Latvia
100 Francs / 20 Belgas 1929 Belgium
100 Rubles (Soviet Union) 1947 Russia
200 Rubles (Soviet Union / Loan Bond Obligation) 1949 Russia
1000 Leke 1957 Albania
100.000 Mark (Regional Issue / Saxony Note Issuing Bank of Dresden / Weimar Republic 1923) 1923 Germany
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