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Region: Europe

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2 Pessetes (2nd Issue / Official Reproduction) 1936 Andorra
1 Pesseta (2nd Issue / Official Reproduction) 1936 Andorra
50 Centims (2nd Issue / Official Reproduction) 1936 Andorra
10 Pessetes (1st Issue / Official Reproduction) 1936 Andorra
5 Pessetes (1st Issue / Official Reproduction) 1936 Andorra
2 Pessetes (1st Issue / Official Reproduction) 1936 Andorra
1 Pesseta (1st Issue / Official Reproduction) 1936 Andorra
Scotland 1944 1 Pound. 1944 Scotland
Scotland 1948 1 Pound. 1948 Scotland
Gibraltar 2020 5 Pounds. 2020 Gibraltar
200 Rubles 2017 Russia
20 Karbovanets (Nazi occupation 1942) 1942 Ukraine
10 Mark (West Germany 1949) 1949 Germany
10 Pounds Sterling (Northern Bank / Northern Ireland) 2005 United Kingdom
1000 Pesetas 1979 Spain
50 Rubles / Manat (Transcaucasia - Commissariat 1918) 1918 Russia
100 Korun 1997 Czech Republic
50 Centimes (League of Nations mandate - Sarre / SAAR 1919) 1919 France
25 Rubles (East Siberia / Far Eastern Republic / Overprinted Issue of 1921) 1918 Russia
1000 Rubles (High Command of the Armed Forces in South Russia 1919) 1919 Russia