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Region: Middle East

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5 Dinars 1973 Iraq
Quarter Dinar 1979 Iraq
1 Riyal / pk 32 2020 Qatar
10 Riyals 2012 Saudi Arabia
10 Dinars 1983 Iraq
200 Baisa 1985 Oman
1000 Pounds 1997 Syria
Mandatory Palestine 1 Pound 1929 Palestine
Palestine Mandatory 500 Mils 1929 Palestine
200 Baisa 1987 Oman
Half Dinar 1973 Iraq
100 Baiza (Sultanate of Muscat and Oman) 1970 Oman
1 Dinar (1959) 1959 Iraq
25 Dinars 1986 Iraq
5 Dinars 1983 Iraq
100.000 Livres (100th Anniversary of the Foundation of the Federal State "Greater Lebanon" under... 2020 Lebanon
1 Rial 1994 Oman
P-117a 50 Rials (Second overprint series on 101c) 1979 Iran
100 Baisa 1977 Oman
500.000 Rials (Emergency Check Issue) 2018 Iran
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