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Region: Africa

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100 francs; April 1, 2022 2022 Congo
Dutch Gold Coast (Ghana); 500 gulden Polymer note, Private fantasy issue. 2016 Exonumia
20 rand; ND (2013-2016) 2013 South Africa
500 shillings; ND (1997) 1997 Tanzania
Year of the Dragon commemorative issue; 100 francs, 2024. Polymer note. Part of the Dragon... 2024 Cameroon
Algeria; 5000 francs; May 7, 2023. Private fantasy issue. 2023 Exonumia
500 shillings; ND (1996) 1996 Uganda
1000 francs; 2019 2019 Rwanda
5000 dobras; October 22, 1996 1996 Sao Tome & Principe
2000 ariary; ND (2017) 2017 Madagascar
10 pounds; 2017 2017 Egypt
5 pounds; 2022 2022 Egypt
BURUNDI 10 Francs 2007 2007 Burundi
1000 shs Uganda Note Green. 2005 Uganda
EGYPT 10 Piastres 1998 1998 Egypt
DJIBOUTI 1000 Francs 2005 2005 Djibouti
Egypt5 punds 2013 Egypt
5 Leones 2022 Sierra Leone
Egypt 1 pound 2016 Egypt
2000 Ariary 2014 Madagascar
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