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Region: North America

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P-106abc $5 Macklem-Carney; Macklem-Poloz & Wilkins-Poloz) 2013 Canada
P-107bc $10 (Regular & Change over prefixes) 2013 Canada
P-111 or BC-74 2015 $20 Commemorative Sold Out 2015 Canada
Commemorative P-112 or BC-75 $10 (Set sold/Individual notes available) 2017 Canada
BC-5 E-25i $5 (cut out of register up to 10%) 1935 Canada
DC-25o $1 (Black Seal) with punch hole 1923 Canada
ICE AGE - 5 Dollars Megalodon - pk NL - Private Issue - Polymer - Not Legal Tender 2014 USA
Canada 2 dollars 1986 Canada
DELAWARE 6 Shillings 1776 Continental Currency 1776 USA
USA 100 Dollars 1914 Federal Reserve Note 1914 USA
USA 50 Dollars 1914 Federal Reserve Note 1914 USA
USA 10 Dollars 1914 Federal reserve Note 1914 USA
USA 1 Dollar 1918 National Currency 1918 USA
USA 100 Dollars 1928 Federal Reserve Note 1928 USA
USA $5 Error- Partial Face to Back Offset Error 1991 USA
USA $5 San Francisco PMG 64 1929 USA
USA $2 "Woodchopper" Legal Tender, PMG 63 1907 USA
Tim Prusmack 98/250 2004 Lazy Deuce $2 Carson City 2004 USA
US $1 used in East Timor, max circulation 2 yrs, Feels like a damp wash cloth, no rips or tears,... 1999 USA
50 $ - Mexican peso Brown guilloche at upper left on back Front: Government palace at left,... 1976 Mexico
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