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Region: Middle East

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1995 Oman
1/2 Rial 1995 Oman
1 Rial 1995 Oman
100 baiza; 1973 1973 Oman
5 riyals; 1984 1984 Saudi Arabia
5 pounds; 1987 1987 Lebanon
10 pounds; 1987 1987 Lebanon
25 dinar two follow up numbers 1982 Iraq
1 RIYAL 1985 Qatar
1 dinar 1981 Kuwait
10,000 riyals 1981 Iran
2000 riyals 1981 Iran
10 dinars old rare 1973 Iraq
emergency issue 250 dinar saddam (printed on newspaper quality paper) 1995 Iraq
25 dinars saddam w/security thread and watermark (not emrgency issue) 1986 Iraq
25 dinar w/ watermark and security thread (not emergency issue) 1992 Iraq
10 dinars w/ watermark and security thread 1981 Iraq
1 dinar w/ watermark and security thread 1984 Iraq
10000 pounds (lira) or (levre) 1998 Lebanon
500 pounds (lira) or (levre) 1994 Lebanon