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Region: Middle East

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20000Rials(Front:Ayatollah Khomeini)(Back square in Isfahan) 2006 Iran
10000Rials (Front:Ayatollah Khomeini)(Back:Mount Damavand) 1992 Iran
5000Rials(Front:Ayatollah Khomeini)(Back:Flowers&Birds) 1993 Iran
2000Rials(Front:Ayatollah Khomeini)(Back:Kaba in Mecca) 2005 Iran
2000Rials(Back:Kaba in Mecca)(Front:people) 1986 Iran
1000Rials(Front:Ayatollah Khomeini)(Back:Mosque of Omar in Jerusalem) 1992 Iran
500Rials (Front: (Seminary)(Back:Tehran University) 1982 Iran
200Rials(Front:mosque)(Back:farmers) 1982 Iran
(FrontAyatollah Modaress)(Back:Parlimanet) 1985 Iran
100Rials (Obverse:Imam Reza Mosque at Mashhad)) (Reverse:Charbagh) 1982 Iran
20Rials (Obverse:Mohammad Reza Shah)(Reverse:Dam) 1974 Iran
5 Dinars __ pk# 70 a __ 1980-1982 1980 Iraq
1 Rial 35th anniversary of the National Day 2005 Oman
First Arabic Polymer Banknote Issued,Occasion of the 2nd anniversary of Liberation of the State... 1993 Kuwait
Polymer Banknote Occasion of the 10th anniversary of Liberation of the State of Kuwait February... 2001 Kuwait
Kuwait L. 1968 (1980-91) 1 Dinar KP# 13d 1986 Kuwait
Lebenaon ND 1964-88 5 Livers KP# 62 1986 Lebanon
Lebenaon ND 1964-86 10 Livers KP# 63 1986 Lebanon
Pick#84 2001 Lebanon
Syria 1982-AH1402 1 Pound KP# 93 obv. 1982 Syria