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Region: Middle East

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5000 Rials, New serial number of P145d. good banknote 1389 Iran
5000 Rials, New serial number of P145c. Very scarce. I'm interested in a pair 1389 Iran
10.000 Livres 2004 Lebanon
20 Rials 1953 Iran
50 Rials 1969 Iran
100000Rials2010(1989) (Currency money)(pair=30$) 2010 Iran
500 Livres 1988 Lebanon
250 Livres 1978 Lebanon
100 Livres 1978 Lebanon
50 Livres 1978 Lebanon
25 Livres 1978 Lebanon
10 Livres 1978 Lebanon
5 Livres 1978 Lebanon
1 Livre 1978 Lebanon
100baisa 1995 Oman
10000 Rials 1985 Iran
5000 Rials Large signature. !! Nice Serial# !! 1985 Iran
5000 Rials Small signature. 1985 Iran
1000 Rials large numbers and large signature. 1985 Iran
200 Rials. small numbers 1985 Iran