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Region: Middle East

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500 Livres 1988 Lebanon
250 Livres 1978 Lebanon
100 Livres 1978 Lebanon
50 Livres 1978 Lebanon
25 Livres 1978 Lebanon
10 Livres 1978 Lebanon
5 Livres 1978 Lebanon
1 Livre 1978 Lebanon
100baisa 1995 Oman
10000 Rials 1985 Iran
5000 Rials Large signature. !! Nice Serial# !! 1985 Iran
5000 Rials Small signature. 1985 Iran
1000 Rials large numbers and large signature. 1985 Iran
200 Rials. small numbers 1985 Iran
100 Rials 1985 Iran
10000 Rials Printed in England. 1982 Iran
100 Rials Printed in England. the first type of IRI banknote. 1982 Iran
10000 Rials with brown overprint. 1981 Iran
1000 Rials 1981 Iran
500 Rials 1981 Iran