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Region: Caribbean

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$20 notes 2002 Trinidad and Tobago
$10 notes 2002 Trinidad and Tobago
$5 notes 2002 Trinidad and Tobago
two different color $1 notes 1992 Trinidad and Tobago
2005 Christmas card. Thanks, Art! 2003 Dominican Republic
500 Pesos. Salome Urena de Henriquez and Pedro Henriquez Urena at right on face; Banco Central... 2003 Dominican Republic
When a very dear friend of mine went on a cruise, she thought of me and brought me back this... 2003 Cayman Islands
1978 Bermuda
Foreign Exchange Certidicate Series D 1985 Cuba
Foreign Exchange Certidicate Series D 1985 Cuba
Foreign Exchange Certidicate Series D 1985 Cuba
Foreign Exchange Certidicate Series A 1985 Cuba
Foreign Exchange Certidicate Series A 1985 Cuba
Foreign Exchange Certidicate Series A 1985 Cuba
1958 Cuba
CURRENCY DAY SET $10 *000001 Bank of Jamaica Issue. Sets of 4 envelopes printed as notes issued... 1977 Jamaica
CURRENCY DAY SET $5 *000001 Bank of Jamaica Issue. Sets of 4 envelopes printed as notes issued in... 1977 Jamaica
CURRENCY DAY SET $2 *000001 Bank of Jamaica Issue. Sets of 4 envelopes printed as notes issued in... 1977 Jamaica
CURRENCY DAY SET $1 *000001 Bank of Jamaica Issue. Sets of 4 envelopes printed as notes issued in... 1977 Jamaica
pCS2 SPECIMEN SET $10 *002380 Bank of Jamaica Collector Series Issue. 7500 sets of 4 notes issued... 1977 Jamaica