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1862 Missouri $1 cr-13 Issued by Missouri govt. after secession and in support of Conferderate... 1862 finalbill
Silver certificate star note 1935 wyatt1321
United States Note; 2 dollars; Series 1928A (Woods/Mellon) 1928 Troodon
Federal Reserve Note(s); 2 dollars; Series 2009 (Rios/Geithner). 32-note uncut sheet. 2009 Troodon
Military Payment Certificate; 5 cents; Series 611 (printed 1961, in use 1964-1969) 1961 Troodon
Federal Reserve Note; 2 dollars; Series 2013 (Rios/Lew) 2013 Troodon
USA | 5 Dollars, 1963 | Obverse: Abraham Lincoln (February 12, 1809 – April 15, 1865), the... 1963 Ngdawa
USA | 2 Dollars, 1976 | Obverse: Thomas Jefferson (April 13, 1743 – July 4, 1826), the... 1976 Ngdawa
CGA Military Payment Certificate Series 481 5 Cents 1948 Haydhan
A relatively common 1923 $1 silver certificate with the Speelman-White signature combination. 1923 Empire_Builder
A nice "Green Eagle" 1918 $1 FRBN from the Philadelphia Fed. 1918 Empire_Builder
A nice example of the 1914 $5 FRN with the White-Mellon signature combination. 1914 Empire_Builder
A very nice $10 gold certificate, the last of the large size notes. 1922 Empire_Builder
A nice early $20 FRN with the Burke-McAdoo signature combination. 1914 Empire_Builder
A nice 1914 $50 FRN with the Burke-McAdoo signature combination 1914 Empire_Builder
A nice "Black Eagle" silver certificate. 1899 Empire_Builder
$5 Blue Seal - Series B 1934 Art
$5 Red Seal 1963 Art
USD$1Million siliver certificate 1928 for sale usd$600000 please contact me at my email :... 1928 v-r
1 Dollar(San Francisco/ California-2009) 2009 gradenko