Region: Africa

Country: Sudan

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Show only banknotes available for sale or trade

Red on lilac and peach underprint. Lyre and drum at left, peanut plant at right. 1985 DreamFLight911
Grren and blue on multicolour underprint. Cotton boll at left. Back blue on multiuclour underprint. 1985 DreamFLight911
olvie and brown on multicolour underprint. Cattle at left. 1985 DreamFLight911
100 Sudanese Pounds Pk 49 1991 Giorgio64
10 Sudanese Pounds Pk 46 1991 Giorgio64
25 Piastres Pk 23 1983 Giorgio64
Brown, purple, and deep green on ulticolour underprint. Shield, University of Khartoum building... 1989 DreamFLight911
25 Sudanese Pounds Pk 53b 1992 Giorgio64
20 Sudanese Pounds Pk 47 1991 Giorgio64
£1 Green/Pink/Blue cotton boll & Map in wreath Bank of Sudan Security thread Wtrmrk Coat... 1985 De-Orc
£100 Green/Purple/Brown Shield, University of Khartoum building, Map in wreath & Book Bank of... 1989 De-Orc
£5 Orange/Purple/Blue Cattle Bank of Sudan Security thread Wtrmrk Coat of arm 1991 De-Orc
25 Piastres Purple Bank of Sudan Camels & map 1987 De-Orc
50 Piastres Red University of Khartoum Musical instrament, feather, map & plant 1987 De-Orc
£10 Orange/Brown/Green City gateway & arabic writing round a map Bank of Sudan Security... 1991 De-Orc
£1 Brown/Green Pigeon & buildings Pigeons - Peace vision Security thread Wtmrk Pigeon 2006 De-Orc
1 POUND AB11498999 NEW 2006 2006 Andre1621
10 DINARS HH5160892 P # 52 1993 Andre1621
100 POUNDS H/61 185397 P # 44B 1989 Andre1621
25 PIASTRES A/239 170113 P # 37 1987 Andre1621
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