Region: Europe

Country: Romania

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5 Lei Pk New 2005 Giorgio64
Blue on multiclour underprint. Imaginative reproduction of the Solar System at right, with the... 1999 DreamFLight911
Blue-violet, dasrk green and olive-brown on mulitcolour underprint. Mihai Eminescu at right and... 1998 DreamFLight911
Dull deep green, reddish brown and violet on multicolour underprint. Square topped shield at left... 1992 DreamFLight911
1 Leu Pk 26a 1920 Giorgio64
100 Lei Pk 97a 1966 Giorgio64
Romania 2000 Lei 1999 Polymer P111. 1999 londoncard2
P-106 1000 lei 1998 redyorkie
1000 Lei Pk 106 1998 Giorgio64
1 Leu Pk New 2005 Giorgio64
P-107 5000 lei 1998 redyorkie
2000 Lei Pk 111 1999 Giorgio64
P-98 500 lei 1991 redyorkie
P-52 1000 lei 1941 redyorkie
10 Lei 2005 Polymer Multi Bank Governor M C Isarescu Chief Cashier I Nitu Front Hollyhock &... 2005 De-Orc
Romania Polymer 2,000 Lei 11/08/99 total Solar eclipse Multi Governor M C Isarescu Chief... 1999 De-Orc
Smaller Polymer note 5l 1/07/05 Multi Bank Governor M C Isarescu Chief Cashier I Nitu... 2005 De-Orc
Smaller Polymer note 1l 1/07/05 Green/Blue/Gold Bank Governor M C Isarescu Chief Cashier I... 2005 De-Orc
Polymer 100,000l 2001 Multi Bank Governor M C Isarescu Chief Cashier I Nitu Front See... 2001 De-Orc
Polymer 50,000l 2001 Multi Bank Governor M C Isarescu Chief Cashier Violin, I Nitu Front... 2001 De-Orc
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