Region: Asia

Country: India

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India-Republic BN 100 Rupees 2007 2007 Akdeveli
5 Rupees 2011 Manfred
1 rupee (Gandhi Commemorative) 1969 nalaberong
10 Indian Rupees Gulf Issues 1959 motasimhashmi
1 Rupee 2015 gradenko
India 2015 1 Rupee. Inset letter 'L'. The number '1' in the watermark area. 2015 BCNumismatics
India 2015 1 Rupee. Inset letter 'L'. Asokan capital in the watermark area. 2015 BCNumismatics
India 1934 1 Shilling postal order. Issued at Nowshera (North West Frontier Province). 1934 BCNumismatics
IndiaBN 5 Rupees(Gandhiji bust) ND(2002) 2002 Akdeveli
IndiaBN 20 Rupees(Gandhiji bust) ND(2002) 2002 Akdeveli
India 20 Rupees Solid 3 Serial 1987 Blueice74
50 rupees 2007 nalaberong
India 1935 2 Shillings postal order. Issued at Kasaragod,South Canara (Madras Presidency). 1935 BCNumismatics
India N.D. (1949) 1 Rupee. The only type of 1 Rupee note confirmed for the Dominion of India... 0 BCNumismatics
India 1917 1 Rupee. Cawnpore issue. Extremely difficult to find! 1917 BCNumismatics
IndiaBN 10 Rupees(Gandhiji bust) ND(1996) 1996 Akdeveli
IndiaBN 100 Rupees(Gandhiji bust) ND(1996) 1996 Akdeveli
IndiaBN 100 Rupees 2010 2010 Akdeveli
IndiaBN 50 Rupees-Gandhi ND(1999) 1999 Akdeveli
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