Region: Europe

Country: Hungary

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Show only banknotes available for sale or trade

P127 100,000 Pengo 1946 DreamFLight911
P120, 121 100,000 Pengo 1945 DreamFLight911
P90 100 Pengo 1930 DreamFLight911
100 PENGO E 284 088576 P # 98 1930 Andre1621
20 forint; October 12, 1962 1962 Troodon
1'000'000'000 Pengo P 125 1946 Giorgio64
100 FORINT B392 061780 1992 Andre1621
Hungary 5 Pengo 1939 1939 scottishmoney
Hungary 2 Ft. 1940. 1940 scottishmoney
Hungary, donation receipt vignette. 1850 scottishmoney
Hungary, donation receipt vignette. 1850 scottishmoney
Hungary, donation receipt vignette. 1850 scottishmoney
Hungary 1850, donation receipt vignette. 1850 scottishmoney
Hungary, 1850 vignette from donation receipt. 1850 scottishmoney
Hungary - Kossuth govt. in exile, note actually a donation receipt sold in USA. 1850 scottishmoney
Hungary, Kossuth Govt in exile, actually a fundraising note sold in the USA 1850 scottishmoney
1 milliard( billion) of milions pengo. in number that is 1000000000000000 pengo 1946 miopos
10 milion of milpengo... that is 10000000000000 pengo. 1946 1946 miopos
100000000000 pengo that is 100000 milpengo 1946 miopos
10000 milion pengo that is in number 10000000000 pengo 1946 miopos
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