Region: Caribbean

Country: Cuba

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Commerative note 2003 Encycloindia
1 Peso de la Isla de Cuba. American Banknote Company. 1896 ElleKitty
1 Peso. Commemorating 150 years of Jose Marti 2003 drspp
Black ands olive green. J. Marti at right. Fidel Castro and victory parade scene on back. 2002 DreamFLight911
Brown and tan underprint. E. 'Che Guevara at right. View of Guevara in sugar cane fields on back. 2004 DreamFLight911
El Banco Espanol de la Isla de Cuba 5 Centavos Blue 15 May 1896 Royal coat of arms & value... 1896 De-Orc
El Banco Espanol de la Isla de Cuba 10 Centavos 15 Feb 1897 Blue Value & Royal coat of arms... 1897 De-Orc
1 Pesos Blue/Green/Red J Marti & Coat of arms Castro entering Havana 1959 1995 De-Orc
1 Peso Olive/Black J Marti Castro entering Havana 1959 2004 De-Orc
100 Pesos 1959 cemars
1 Peso P112 1995 Brett
5 Pesos P91C 1960 Brett
20 Pesos P80C 1960 Brett
SERIE 1949 20 PESOS C797966A 1949 Andre1621
20 PESOS DD 117604 P # FX 9 1985 Andre1621
10 PESOS HA 558723 P # FX 8 1985 Andre1621
5 PESOS HD 764503 P # FX 7 1985 Andre1621
1 PESO HE 139104 P # FX 6 1985 Andre1621
20 PESOS AE 169555 P # FX 5 1985 Andre1621
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