Region: Europe

Country: Belarus

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Show only banknotes available for sale or trade

25 Rubles 1992 gradenko
1 Ruble 1992 gradenko
10 Rublei 1992 Art
100.000 Rubles 1996 gradenko
1992 labmom
Belarus P3 (3 rubles 1992) 1992 lincob
500 Rubles, Natsiyanal'ny Bank Respubliki Belarus Palace of Culture, Minsk / Detail of Palace of... 2000 Emaniuz
Belarus P4 (5 rubles 1992) 1992 lincob
10 RUBLEI AJI 6571252 P # 5 1992 Andre1621
2000 Humvee
1994 Humvee
100 -? 1992 scoutjim99
1000 Rubles 1998 gradenko
20 Rubiel 2000 HYJINX
Among the first notes obtained in a trade that got me hooked. 1992 labmom
0 garaisjanis2008
25 Rublei 1992 AnemicOak
0 garaisjanis2008
0 garaisjanis2008
BelorussiaBN 1000 Rublei 1998 1998 Akdeveli
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