Region: Asia

Country: Armenia

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ARMENIAN SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLIC~100,000 Ruble 1922 1922 Zantetsuken
ARMENIAN SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLIC~5,000 Ruble 1921. The reverse side has suffered damage. Part... 1921 Zantetsuken
ARMENIA (1st REPUBLIC)~100 Ruble 1919 1919 Zantetsuken
ARMENIA (1st REPUBLIC)~50 Ruble 1919 1919 Zantetsuken
50 roubles; 1919 Part of the Dragon Collection! 1919 Troodon
100 Dram__ Pk 42 1998 Giorgio64
100 Dram__ Pk 36 1993 Giorgio64
50 DRAM UO8352924 1998 Andre1621
Armenia 100 Dram 1998 P42. 1998 londoncard2
Armenia 100 Dram 1993 P36. 1993 londoncard2
Armenia 50 Dram 1993 P35. 1993 londoncard2
Armenia 25 Dram 1993 P34. 1993 londoncard2
100 DRAM 03790710 P # 36 1993 Andre1621
50 DRAM 13796192 P # 35 1993 Andre1621
25 DRAM 08249356 P # 34 1993 Andre1621
Black on red and multicolour underprint. Alexander Tamanyan and city plan. House of the... 1999 DreamFLight911
Armenia 50 Dram 1998 P41. 1998 londoncard2
Armenia 10 Dram 1993 P33. 1993 londoncard2
50 Dram__ Pk 41 1998 Giorgio64
25 Dram__ Pk 34 1993 Giorgio64
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