

United States

labmom's collection (All countries)

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1996 Sao Tome & Principe
1996 Papua New Guinea
1996 Qatar
1996 Suriname
Somaliland 1996 Somalia
1996 Malaysia
AH 1416 5 Dirham P-12b One of the notes brought back to me by my fromer boss on his trip... 1995 United Arab Emirates
1995 Unknown
Brought from Oman, out of circulation, by a coworker and great friend. 1995 Oman
1995 Venezuela
1995 Venezuela
A gift from a friend's native land on one of his trips to see his family. 1995 Sri Lanka
1995 Cambodia
1995 Turkey
1995 Turkey
1995 Cote d'Ivoire
1995 Egypt
1995 Ukraine
1995 Ukraine
1995 Nicaragua
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