

United Kingdom

I collect Indian, British and Commemorative banknotes.

drspp's collection (All countries)

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10 Pounds. Lady Lavery. 1968 Ireland
10 Shillings. Peppait signsture. 0 United Kingdom
Merlyn Lowther signature. Sir Edward Egar. 20 Pounds 0 United Kingdom
5 Rupees. First issue - English only. Sir Rama Rau signature. A1 Series. 1949 India
British Armed Forces. 6 Pence. 2nd Series 0 United Kingdom
1 Pound.Royal Bank of Scotland. 150th Birth Anniversary of Alexander Graham Bell Commemorative. 1997 Scotland
Mengani State, Princely State. 1 Paisa. Cash coupon. 1940 India
100 Rials. Birth Centenary of Dr Mohammed Mossaddeq Commemorative issue. Stamp with overprint on... 1980 Iran
5 Pounds. Peppait signature. 1937 United Kingdom
10 Shillings. 1968 Ireland
1000 Rupees. Dr Bimal Jalan signature. 0 India
20 Pounds. Chris Salmon signature. 0 United Kingdom
50 Pounds. Chris Salmon signature. 0 United Kingdom
10 Shillings. British Military Authority. 0 United Kingdom
20 Pounds. Andrew Bailey signature. Adam Smith. 0 United Kingdom
Sailana - Princely state. 1 Anna. Cash coupon. 1940 India
10 Shillings 1958 Gibraltar
50 Rupees. Dr Manmohan Singh signature. 0 India
PNC Banknote cover to commemorate 'Age of Steam'. First Day Cover with 5 stamps. Issue No. 0777. 1994 United Kingdom
2 Shillings 6 Pence. British Military Authority. 1943 United Kingdom
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