
Sydney, N.S.W.


A full listing of all Philippine banknotes 1949-Date can be found at my website.......

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DATED SERIES 57d 2004 Arroyo-Buenaventura ??000001-??1000000 QU896991 1997 Philippines
DATED SERIES 57b 2003 Arroyo-Buenaventura ??000001-??1000000 JZ771771 1997 Philippines
DATED SERIES 57a 2002 Arroyo-Buenaventura ??000001-??1000000 FA123456 (Ladder #) 1997 Philippines
DATED SERIES 57 2001 Arroyo-Buenaventura A000001-??1000000 AV256234 1997 Philippines
DATED SERIES 56S1 1999 Estrada-Buenaventura RT000000 (Specimen) 1997 Philippines
DATED SERIES 56h 2001 Estrada-Buenaventura ??000001-??1000000 KU111566 1997 Philippines
DATED SERIES 56g 2000 Estrada-Buenaventura ??000001-??1000000 XW111111 (Solid #) 1997 Philippines
DATED SERIES 56f 1999 Estrada-Buenaventura ??000001-??1000000 *0477269 (Starnote) 1997 Philippines
DATED SERIES 56f 1999 Estrada-Buenaventura ??000001-??1000000 UC531843 1997 Philippines
DATED SERIES 56e 1999 Estrada-Singson ??000001-??1000000 JA111111 (Solid #) 1997 Philippines
DATED SERIES 56d 1998 Estrada-Singson A000001-??1000000 DA630447/DA630:47 (Serial # Error) 1997 Philippines
DATED SERIES 56c 1998 Estrada-Singson ??000001-ZZ1000000 WW369629 1997 Philippines
DATED SERIES 56a 1998 Independence Ramos-Singson ??000001-??1000000 *1785024 (Starnote) 1997 Philippines
DATED SERIES 56a 1998 Independence Ramos-Singson ??000001-??1000000 SF997020 1997 Philippines
DATED SERIES 56 1998 Ramos-Singson ??000001-??1000000 RJ111111 (Solid #) 1997 Philippines
DATED SERIES 54S1 1999 Estrada-Buenaventura RB000000 (Specimen) 1997 Philippines
DATED SERIES 55c 2004 Arroyo-Buenaventura ??000001-??1000000 HL050021 1997 Philippines
DATED SERIES 55b 2003 Arroyo-Buenaventura ??000001-??1000000 CP123456 (Ladder #) 1997 Philippines
DATED SERIES 55a 2002 Arroyo-Buenaventura ??000001-??1000000 BZ966889 1997 Philippines
DATED SERIES 55 2001 Arroyo-Buenaventura AM000001-??1000000 AM999108 (1st Prefix) 1997 Philippines