


Update : 96 Territories / 154 Notes ----- I collect UNC notes, i started collecting in 2008, i try to get 1 Note of certain value for every country of the world, plus some extras that i like and for ITALY (30)

MauMauNotes's collection (All countries)

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200 Yuan 2001 Taiwan
1000 Lire 'Montessori', Last Pre-Euro 1990 Italy
10.000 Lire 'Machiavelli' 1978 Italy
100 Meticais 2006 Mozambique
50 Rand 2002 South Africa
500 Lire 'Mercurio' 1974 Italy
500 Lire 'Aretusa' 1967 Italy
1000 Lire 'Marco Polo' 1982 Italy
5 Dinars 1995 Jordan
500 Tolarjev 2005 Slovenia
2 Dollars 1986 Canada
10 Lire 'Luogotenenza' 1945 Italy
5 Lire 'Luogotenenza' 1945 Italy
100 Gourdes 2004 Haiti
50 Korun Czechoslovakia 1987 Czech Republic
1000 Yen (Uncertain Date) 1970 Japan
20 Pula 2002 Botswana
100.000 Rupiah 1999 Indonesia
10 Mark (Approx. Date) 1980 Germany
500 Kronur 2001 Iceland
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