


Giorgio64's collection (All countries)

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100'000 Turk Lirasi Pk 206 (L.1970) 1997 Turkey
1 Leu__pk# 8 2002 Moldova
100 Francs Guinéens__pk# New 2012 Guinea
500 Pesos__ pk# 79 b__ 07-August-1984__ Series EA Nr. Z 628371 1984 Mexico
20 Centavos__ pk# R 29__ Regional Issues Companhia de Mocambique__ Banco de Beira... 1933 Mozambique
50 Taka__ pk# 28 a (3)__ 1987-1996 1987 Bangladesh
1 Pound__ pk# 52 c__ sign. D.M. Clark__ 1991-1995 1991 Guernsey
(Vietnam - South) 20 Dong Pk 24 1969 Vietnam
10 Francs__pk# 25__01.03.1944 1944 Morocco
5000 Afghanis__ Pk 62c 1993 Afghanistan
*CENTRAL AFRICAN STATES* __ 2000 Francs__ pk# 208U __ Country Code -U- 2002 Cameroon
100 Bath __ pk# 110 __ Centennial of Issue of Thai Banknotes (1902-2002) 2002 Thailand
10 Dinars__ Pk 132 1983 Algeria
*TANNU TUVA*__ 100'000 Rubley__ pk# NL (983)__ Coupon a company in the region Tannu Tuva, thicker... 0 Russia
*ZAIRE* _________________ 500'000 Zaires Pk 43a ----------------- 1992 Congo
*VIETNAM-SOUTH*__ 1 Dong__ pk# 1 a 1956 Vietnam
1.000 Türk Lirası__ pk# 191 (2)__ L. 1970__ (1971-1982) 1978 Turkey
100 Pesos__ pk# 152 b 1979 Chile
10 Manat Pk 3 1993 Turkmenistan
10 Francs__pk# 150 b__02.10.1975 1975 France
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