

United States

DreamFLight911's collection (All countries)

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P13 200 Kip 1963 Laos
P114 2 Francs Military Currency 1944 France
P74 1 Piastre 1949 Vietnam
Red and multicolour. Bow and musical instrumwnts at left. Mountain at left center on back. 1977 Cape Verde
1973 Namibia
P130, 136 100,000,000 B Pengo 1946 Hungary
Vietnam - South P29 1000 Dong 1970 Vietnam
Dark green, dark blue and brown on multicolour underprint. University at left center on back. 1990 Kenya
1996 Sao Tome & Principe
P 148 200 Francs 1995 Belgium
1-1-1990 Purple and multicolour. Tortuga Blanco (sea turtle) at center right. 1990 Aruba
P111 10 Pesos = 1 Condor 1947 Chile
1944 Philippines
P22 5 Gulden 1986 Netherlands Antilles
1985 Kenya
Green and brownon multicolour underprint. Mosque at right. Victory Arch near Kabul at cent on... 2002 Afghanistan
Blue-green on tan umderprint. Map of Burundi with arms superimpossed at center. 19812005 Burundi
P115 20 Schilling 1945 Austria
P 26 5 Dollars 1993 Saint Vincent
1993 Yugoslavia
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