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Purple on multicolour underprint. Suku mask at left Zande Harp at center right on back. Printer G&D. 1997 Congo
Green and multiclolour. Men fishing with stick nets at left on back. Simular to #28. Signature 7. 1988 Congo
Light brown on pink and multicolout underprint. Signature 9. 1993 Congo
Black on pale violet and blue-green underprint. Signature 9. 1993 Congo
Dary grey and ark-blue-green on multicolour underprint. Back like #31. Signature9. 1993 Congo
Brown-orange on light green and multicolour underprint. Chieftain at left, me fishing with stick... 1993 Congo
Dark brown and brown on multicolour underpront. Okapi's head at left. Family of Okapis at left... 1997 Congo
This is a RUNNER serial # H8042785l-H8042789 Like #67 Printer: G&D Olive-brown,... 2003 Congo
Blue-green on multicolour underprint. Male's head at left. Lioness lying with two cubs at center... 2003 Congo
2002 Congo
1994 Congo
1993 Congo
Deep green, blue and black on multicolour underprint. Fishing canoe and statue of the god of... 1987 Cook Islands
Deep green and lilac on multicolour underprint. Rafael Yglesias Castro at left, flowers at right.... 1989 Costa Rica
Bark blue on multicolour underprint. University building at left. Rodrigo Facio Brenes at right.... 1977 Costa Rica
Black on multicolour underprint. Ricardo Jimenez O. at left. Series E. Printer: TDLR. 1986 Costa Rica
Olive-green on multicolour underprint. Simular to #251, 253. seriesE. Without security thread.... 1993 Costa Rica
P236 5 colones X) As D. but with error date 7.4.1933 (instead of 1983) 1983 Costa Rica
Dull orange-brown on multicolour underprint. 4.5 mm serial #. Watermark: Lozenges. 1991 Croatia
Pale purple on multicolour underprint. 4.5 mmserial #. Watermark: Lozenges. 1991 Croatia
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