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Gray and olive, Feyzieh Madressa Seminary at lower left, prayer gathering at center. Tehran... 2003 Iran
Dark olive-green, red-brown and brown on multicolour underprint. Feyzieh Madressa Seminary at... 19822002 Iran
Purple on multicolour underpitn. Ayatollah Moddaress at right. Parliament at left on back.... 1985 Iran
Green and brown. Similar to #66but date below horses. Reduced size. 175x80mm. 1981 Iraq
Similar to #72 but green and gray. Lithograph without watermark. 1990 Iraq
Dull red-brown on pale orange, lilac and multicolour underprint. Temple at center. Hammurabi in... 1992 Iraq
Brown on light green underprint. 2001 Iraq
Purple on rose and blue underprint. Dome of the Rock on back. 2002 Iraq
Purple on multicolour underprint. Grain silo at Basrah. Date palms on back. 2003 Iraq
Gren and blue on multicolour underprint. Ducan Dam at center. Winged bull statue on back. 2004 Iraq
Olive-green and blue on multicolour underprint. Coliseum at center, V. Bellini at right and as... 1985 Italy
Dark blue on multicolour underprint. Lab instrument at center. A. Volta at right and as... 1984 Italy
Red-violet and multicolour. M. Montessori at right and as watermark. Teacher and student at left... 1990 Italy
Purple on multicolour underprint. Similar to #54 59 64; lower corner guilloches modified. 1987 Jamaica
Dark green and red-brown on multicolour underprint. Similar tp #65 but corner numerals modified.... 1993 Jamaica
Dark brown, green and blue-gray on multicolour underprint. Similar to #66 but with two horizontal... 1992 Jamaica
Bluish purple on multicolour underprint. Similar to #67 but three horizintal sorting bars at left... 1994 Jamaica
1993 Kazakhstan
1993 Kazakhstan
1993 Kazakhstan
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