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DreamFLight911's collection (All countries)

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This is a new note. 2006 Serbia
Green and brown on multicolour underpint. Irrigation canal at center. Dam at left center on back. 1977 Saudi Arabia
Green, brown, and blue on yellow underprint. Oxen and farmer plowing at center. Mountain and lake... 2003 Rwanda
Brown, black and red on multicolour underrpint. Kremlin with new tricolour flag at left center... 1992 Russia
Soviet Union Brown on light blue underprint. Kremlin tower at center with date on back.... 1961 Russia
This is a new note. 2005 Romania
Brown on multicolour underprint. Face like #7. Back purple; boat beached at left, Ministry of... 1985 Qatar
Purple and blue multicolour underprint. Three native birds - Crested Lark, Eurasian Bee Eater and... 2003 Qatar
This is a new note. 2007 Papua New Guinea
Green and purple on multicolour underprint. Back similar to #3. 1977 Oman
Red on orange and multicolour underprint. H. Macauley at left. Mask at center right on back.... 1994 Nigeria
Brown and brown-orange on multicolour underprint. Mt. Everest at left. Sir Edmund Hillary at... 1999 New Zealand
Dark borwn on multicolour underprint. Back similar to #63. Signature S. T. Russell with title:... 1987 New Zealand
Blue on light blue underprint. KLM Boeing 727 jetliner at left center, 1970 Netherlands Antilles
Blue-black on multicolour underprint. Arms at upper lrft. Springbok at right on back. 1993 Namibia
This is a new note. 2007 Mozambique
1943 Morocco
Blue and mulitcolour underprint. Similar to #106 Polymer plastic. Printer: NPA and BdM... 2001 USA
Purple and brown-orange on multicolour underprint. Similar to #87 but design continued over... 1989 Mexico
Like #82 but only three signatures. Without SANTANA 28.3.1989 Black, dark green and brown... 1989 Mexico