
British Columbia


Drakeee's collection (All countries)

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Violet, Orange and black. Elizabeth II / Parliament House. 2005 Australia
Purple, Burgundy and Multicolour. Elizabeth II / St. Dave's Lighthouse and view of St. George. 2000 Bermuda
Lilac brown and multicolour. Manuel Rodríguez E. and his statue / Iglesia de los Dominicos 2004 Chile
Green and multicolour. Mao Zedong / Fortress. 2005 China
Black on Purple and Multicolour. Writer Karen Blixen / Centaur from Landet Church, Tåsinge.... 2005 Denmark
Green, violet and multicolour. Mohammed Ali mosque / Relief in the Chaple of Sesostris at Karnak. 2003 Egypt
Green And Multi Colour. Elizabeth II /Aerial View of Gibraltar, funicular car and Gibraltar monkey 2000 Gibraltar
Red and Multicolour. Jón Sigruðson / Sigruðson at his Writing Desk 2001 Iceland
Blue and Multicolour. Hideyo Noguchi / Mt. Fuji and cherry blossoms 2004 Japan
Lilac Red and Violet. José María Morelos and his flag and emblems / Fisherman and butterflies.... 2003 Mexico
Purple Brown and Olive. Window / Brige in Classical Style. 2002 Netherlands
Green and Multicolour. Bird (Kolibre) / Bank Seal. 2003 Netherlands Antilles
Orange brown and multicolour. Sir Edmund Hillary, tractor and Mt Cook yellow eyed penguin Hoiho... 1999 New Zealand
Green. Fairy Tale Writter Peter Christen Asjørnsen and Osier band / Water Lilies and Dragon Fly 2003 Norway
Olive Green, Rose and light brown / Olive Green, Light Brown and Multicolour with Holographic... 2005 Sweden
Olive Green, Rose and light brown / Olive green, light brown and multicolour. 1997 Sweden
Yellow brawn and multicolour. Le Corbusier / The Modulor And architectural design. 1997 Switzerland
Brown and Greenish Blue. Elizabeth II / Elizabeth the Fry with prison inmates and her portrait. 2002 United Kingdom