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De-Orc's collection (All countries)

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$5 2003 Multi Governor K D Venner Front Fish, Turtle,HRH EII Rev Admiral House Antigua &... 2003 Saint Kitts
$5 2003 Multi Governor K D Venner Front Fish, Turtle,HRH EII Rev Admiral House Antigua &... 2003 Saint Lucia
2000 $10 Multi Governor K D Venner Front Fish, Turtle, Goverment House, HRH EII Rev... 2000 Dominica
St Helena £1 1981 Olive/Yellow Front Value, Ships anchoring of St Helena, HRH, Value Rev... 1981 United Kingdom
$5 2002 Brown/Blue/Green Front Bunedamu, Value, HRH, Coat of Arms Rev Nadi International... 2002 Fiji
£1 4 Aug 1988 Brown/Orange Financial & Developement Sec Front Value in corners, Rock, Coat of... 1988 Gibraltar
$5 1995/2001 Pink/Purple/Orange Governor I J Macfarlane Sec Treasaury K R Henry Front... 1995 Australia
$1/2 1984 Gray/Yellow/Brown/Blue Governor W C Allan Front Value in corners, Baskets, Map of... 1984 Bahamas
$1 2002 Green/Yellow Governor J Front Value in corners, Coral & Fish, Map of the Islands,... 2002 Bahamas
1986 $2 Terra Cotta Governor J.W. Crow Deputy Governor G.G. Thiessen Front Value, Coat of... 1986 Canada
1867-1967 Centenary of Confederation 3 Jan 1967 $1 Green Governor L. Rasminsky Deputy... 1967 Canada
$2 2002 Green/Blue/Ocher Value above bird, value in center, HRH State Arms Rev Fiji above... 2002 Fiji
$1/2 2001 Multi Front Value in corners, Baskets, Map of the Islands, HRH Rev Lady fruit... 2001 Bahamas
$1 2002 Green Front Value in corners, Coral & Fish, Map of the Islands, HRH Rev Police Band... 2002 Bahamas
20P 1941 Blue/Pink Front Value, value above floral display, sheperdess & Sheep, Woman with... 1941 Hungary
1000P 1945 Pink/Gray Front Very fancy note, value & date, Value in center above Coat of Arms,... 1945 Hungary
100K 20 Aug 1940 Blue/Red Serial # red/Blue Front Arms top right value below, Value in Czech &... 1940 Czech Republic
100K 20 Aug 1940 Blue/Red Serial # red Front Arms top right value below, Value in Czech &... 1940 Czech Republic
5K 1940 Green/Red/ Blue Front Value top & Bottom edge, Value in German & Czech, Girls Head... 1940 Czech Republic
1K 1939 Blue/Gray/Red Front Value in corners, Value in German & Czech, Girls Head Rev Value... 1939 Czech Republic