Region: Europe

Country: Italy

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Show only banknotes available for sale or trade

2000 Lira Green/Tan St Mark seal Marco Polo Facade of the Doges Palace Venice Wtmk Marco Polo 1982 De-Orc
Italia L2000 note. Galileo. 1973 Delta
500 Lire "Aretusa" 1975 delvi
500 Lire "Aretusa" 1975 delvi
In good condition 1944 djud
1926 djud
500 ₤ - Italian lira Signatures: Ruggiero-Impallomeni-Betti. 1979 dodda-2007
1,000 Lire 1988 dodda-2007
1,000 Italian States lira 1991 dodda-2007
Olive-green and blue on multicolour underprint. Coliseum at center, V. Bellini at right and as... 1985 DreamFLight911
Dark blue on multicolour underprint. Lab instrument at center. A. Volta at right and as... 1984 DreamFLight911
Red-violet and multicolour. M. Montessori at right and as watermark. Teacher and student at left... 1990 DreamFLight911
Dark green and tan. Marco POlo at right and as watermark. Fascade of Doge Palace in Venice at... 1982 DreamFLight911
P25 10 Lira 1935 DreamFLight911
P26 1 Lira 1939 DreamFLight911
P32 10 Lire 1944 DreamFLight911
P31 5 Lira 1944 DreamFLight911
P101 1000 Lire 1969 DreamFLight911
1½ Paoli, Republicca Romana. 1798 elverno
2½ Paoli, Republicca Romana. 1798 elverno
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